Monday 30 March 2015

The desert eagle is one of the most powerful handguns in the world, known for replacing the old 44. Magnum, but this weapon has some more advantages to it than people think. It was designed and made in Israel in 1982 to replace the 44. Magnum, It fires the 44. round and is one of the first Handguns to fire more than 6 rounds of 44. rounds. This gun not only out preforms the 44. magnum but it also has a much more higher reliability rate, As its a semi-auto handgun it can fire its 10 round clip a lot faster than the 44. magnum, This is making it a lot more fire supportive during a fire fight, this basically means have 10 rounds of 44. fired at you will either kill you or heavy wound you, normally resulting in limbs being torn off. Sounds horrible I know but this is the type of guns that people are making, there is also newer versions of this, with more ammo, better fire rate, better recoil.
If you live in the U S A you can actually get one of these, same laws apply to this as they do with the 44. magnum revolver.   

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